In my artwork, I experiment with a wide variety of topics and media. My abstract artwork is created with mathematical equations: I make art with math. It’s sort of a transcendant way of doing things; computers define the way we live, and without them we would not be who we are. It’s only fitting that through them an idea can be expressed that is unique to this way of living.
With a large background in video work, I sometimes find reasons to do print design for DVDs or other materials, as well.
Shannon McCalley
Square Space-Print on Demand
36 x 24 -
Tempered Metal-Print on Demand
36 x 36 -
Refractive-Print on Demand
36 x 24 -
Neon Streaks-Print on Demand
25 x 50 -
Water Rose-Print on Demand
30 x 30 -
Infinity-Print on Demand
36 x 36 -
Watergleam-Print on Demand
36 x 36